

“Dear brothers and sisters, pattern your lives after mine, and learn from those who follow our example.”

‭‭Philippians‬ ‭3:17‬ ‭NLT‬‬

What would happen if you told your children, friends, family, or even a stranger to pattern their lives after you?

That’s a big statement, right? I imagine Paul must have been very confident when he said this to the Philippians because of the incredible changes God had made in him. Personally, if I told my family to do this, I think we’d have a lot of early rising coffee drinkers wandering around who are constantly looking for where they last placed their phones, and turning parallel parking into a 10 minute job. But my hope, as was Paul’s I would guess, is that they see the good stuff, too- and that the positive values stick along with the quirks.

Sometimes we forget that we are walking examples of Christ’s love and will for the world. On my best days I hope I embody that. And on my worst, I just hope that others can see where God’s grace fills the cracks of my worldly brokenness; that when I’m falling behind, He’s walking ahead.

Lord, let us never forget who we are to you and our purpose in this world. Thank you for the power we have to lead others to you and to the incredible life you have planned for each of us. Let your light shine in this world today through each and every one of us! We love you. Amen.

(Photo credit: Alexandra Seinet)

6 thoughts on “Pattern

  1. It’s downright freaky to think that anyone might look to me as a pattern to follow – what a scary responsibility He gives us! I can only hope, as you say, that God is shining through me in ways I am unaware, and that they see that God fills my cracks.

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  2. I try to remember that for many people I interact with I am the only example of what being a Christian is that they may have. But I don’t think my Christian friends would want to pattern their lives after me because I do not fit with the typical American view of success.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. We truly are living examples, and it is so important we don’t forget that ❤ But you're right! How wonderful it is the Lord can always point us to Him, and use us as examples of why we need Him ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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