Why I Choose Not to Post Consistently

Why I Choose Not to Post Consistently

There are times as a blogger that I sit and stare at my stats. I get anxious when a post gets less likes than normal, thinking ‘this is just going to fizzle out- is it really the calling I thought it was, or just a hobby?’ Then I get anxious when the views start picking up, feeling as if I need to keep pushing content in order to feed the momentum.

But I choose not to. And here’s why….

(Photo credit: rawpixel)

My prayer for my writing is that God leads it. I pray that He gives me the words, and then I pray an even scarier prayer: that He allows me to complete these things in His timing.

(Remember that whole (wo)man with the plan thing? God loves to challenge that!)

I’ve been through more in my 25 (plus tax) years than most ought to, and if I’ve learned anything it’s that God can be trusted. He is like the super hero in the movies who swoops in at just the right moment- even though sometimes it feels like you’ve already weathered an explosion or two waiting on Him. Still, He arrives with the perfect solution that we couldn’t have even imagined. I’ve experienced this sort of faithfulness more times than I can count, and so when the Lord says “wait,” even if I have to fight reluctance, I wait.

A perfect example of this occurred on a recent post. I had written it somewhat more easily than usual, proofread it several times, and was ready to hit ‘publish’. (Ah, yes! Sticking to my preferred posting schedule for once!) But when it came time to do so, the blank title space at the top might as well have just told me to go make myself a cup of coffee and settle in to enjoy my day because it was not happening. My mind was blank. Blanker than blank. Nada. Nothing.

After staring for several long minutes I went on to other things, but all day long I kept opening my finished blog post and staring at the title line, flabbergasted by my inability to think of one single word to type. I tried a few things, but they were obviously ill fitting. Finally I put it away and decided God just didn’t want that post in the world that day. I went to sleep that night, and waited as I sensed I was being told to do.

(Photo credit: rawpixel)

The next morning I got up, tried again, and this time the title came easily. The blog was published and I walked away feeling like a weight had been lifted. Not long after, I began receiving messages and comments all expressing the same thing- “this was perfectly timed, this was exactly what I needed this morning.”

God had said to wait. The people who needed the words He’d given me just weren’t ready to hear them yet. And when He does allow the opportunity for these things to be shared, you can trust that there is more purpose behind the details than little old me or you could ever foresee. He plans the party. I just buy a gift and show up when He tells me to.

Yes, I want to watch the stats climb. Yes, I’d love to have a following. But if the followers are here for me, and I’m not adding to God’s following, then my blog is just offering distraction, not direction.

So I’m not afraid to sit on an idea and see what wisdom God shares over the following days through reading His word. I’m not too concerned over whether or not I’ll be breaking any personal stat records. I’m trusting that whoever needs to read these words will read them, and that anyone who isn’t ready won’t be distracted by them.

I’m thankful for this blogging community and the support all of you offer! I pray you stay encouraged even in the dry seasons and trust that God is at work behind the scenes. What you do is important. Sharing His message is important- and so is patience for His timing.

God bless, friends 💛

21 thoughts on “Why I Choose Not to Post Consistently

  1. Well-said, Jess! I think all writers who love God struggle on some level to keep ALL things about Him. I appreciate your words here. I seek to do the same. Listen to His lead, even if its not popular or in my idea of timing. Have a blessed Tuesday. In Christ, Julie

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Very good words of wisdom Jess. I too have had those posts with no title, so I left it as you did without trying to force and a few days later the title would come. I’ve even written posts and went on to delete them because I felt God saying nope, not this one.

    But the cool things about posts…the right person will read and share it…then the views come. I’ve had a few posts from last year that like only one blogger liked but was viewed 300 times one month. It’s all in His timing and that is hard to fathom sometimes.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Jess — This was a perfect blog for me to read today. Many many times I’ve watched my self-imposed deadlines pass by while other duties call, only to watch as someone else uploads 3 or 4 posts that day! We all work at different speeds. I’m going through Ryan Callahan’s list of nominated entries for some good ideas. I liked your personal touch on this one. The take-away that all is done best according to God’s timing is so true. Thank you for this. Ward

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Jess — I wrote previously, but I also wanted my readers to see this blog, so this is my gift today:

    Congratulations Jess! — Today, in my post at LoveAndGrace (found here: http://bit.ly/2Q8dB7j), I nominated you for the Sunshine Blogger Award. This is a vote in recognition of your work as a Bible-based blog writer and encouragement for you to continue with the full confidence that the Lord is using you for His Kingdom. – Ward

    (The logo doesn’t copy over, but it’s available via the link to my blog)

    The Rules: 
    Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link from your blog site back to him or her.
    Answer the 11 questions provided by the blogger who nominated you.
    Nominate 11 other bloggers and ask them 11 questions of your own. (These can be the same questions or you might want to change some of them.)
    Notify the nominees by commenting on one of their blog posts.
    List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo on your post.

    Questions I Will Submit

    What is your “Life Verse” or favorite verse and why?
    Describe briefly a moment of Grace in your life.
    What is your favorite gift and why?
    Favorite Christian song lyrics?
    Christian book that you would recommend
    Describe your intended blog reader.
    Favorite book of the Bible and why? (okay to list two!)
    What city or town is your favorite “go to” place and why?
    What would you like to change about your life?
    Unmet desire or goal?
    Share an interesting fact about your life.

    Since I do not have a list of who has been nominated, you very well might fall under that category. However, by nominating your site, I’ve already introduced you to my readers, along with a recommendation to see what you’re doing. As I have gone through this process, I have learned more about other bloggers’ work. I am feeling great joy in that.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Such wonderful goodness, Jess!!! It’s true! We need to listen to Him and see how He provides. He always has a reason, and His judgment is always so much better than ours. I’m going to share this on the community spotlight 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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